For People Who Stutter

There are many excellent organizations available to help people who stutter. Here is just a brief list of some of those organizations:

Friends: The National Association of Young People Who Stutter provides support, education and empowerment to children and teens who stutter, their families, and clinicians. They also organize monthly virtual Child, Teen, Young Adult, and Parents groups.

The National Stuttering Association (NSA) is an organization dedicated to bringing hope and empowerment to children and adults who stutter, their families, and professionals, through support, education, advocacy, and research. They organize conferences, and Zoom events for people who stutter and their families. They also share information in a Youtube Channel, and more.

SAY: The Stuttering Association for the Young is a national nonprofit organization that provides support, advocacy, and life-changing programs for young people who stutter, ages 3 - 18. They organize events, including an in-person summer camp with activities that help kids and teens who stutter develop confidence and independence, improve communication skills, and form important lifelong friendships.
The Stuttering Foundation provides free online resources, services and support to those who stutter and their families, as well as support for research into the causes of stuttering. They also have a podcast on Spotify, featuring interviews with experts in the field.