Other Research Opportunities
Many research laboratories are conducting excellent research on stuttering. Here is a list of some ongoing studies.
The Developmental Speech Lab at Michigan State University is inviting 3- to 18-year-old children who stutter, their parent/caregiver, and their SLP to participate in a series of online surveys assessing the impact of stuttering on children and their families (Study #00001704). Children, parents, and SLPs will receive a $10.00-30.00 Amazon gift card (depending upon survey length) for each survey they complete. Please share the link below with parents of children who stutter who may be interested in participating. If you have any questions contact dsl@msu.edu or go to https://msu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3C3iB9MZtAIbVzg.
The Kraft Behavior, Speech & Genetics Lab at Wayne State University is conducting exciting research to investigate the connections between developmental stuttering and co-occurring, unassociated health conditions. We are analyzing any possible links between the underlying genetics of disorders as well as looking to further understand the health-related sequela of stuttering. We are inquiring about a variety of disorders, ranging from acne to anemia. You can access the anonymous survey at the following link: https://waynestate.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b7vRtCaUTh7nEAB. This research has been approved by the Wayne State Institutional Review Board, IRB-20-01-1731. For additional information, questions, or concerns, please contact elerose@wayne.edu.
The Vanderbilt Stuttering Lab is recruiting parents of young children who stutter to participate in an online study investigating parent confidence, resilience, and responses to stuttering. Completion of the online survey will take about 25-35 minutes and is paid with a $20 gift card. Eligible caregivers should: have a child who stutters age 3-6; have lived with their child since the onset of their stuttering; and be comfortable with using the Internet for an English-language survey text. You can access the survey at https://redcap.link/g20plcd8. With any questions, please contact ryan.a.millager@vanderbilt.edu.
A study is being conducted by researchers at Claremont Graduate University about stuttering. Participants will be interviewed by a researcher, who is also a licensed speech-language pathologist, for 45 minutes to an hour and be asked to complete pre-interview questions. Participants will be compensated with a $25 Amazon gift card for their time. If interested, click here for a flyer about the study and the contact information of the researcher so you may get in touch.